Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian 2024-01-06T23:40:04+07:00 Ichsan Habibi, M.A.Hum. Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify; margin-bottom: -10px;"><strong>Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian</strong>, E-ISSN <a title="2655-3716" href=""><strong>2655-3716</strong>,</a> is published twice a year (June and December) by the <strong>Institute of Research and Community Service (LP2M) IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung</strong>. This journal provides a forum for research studies with a particular interest in <strong>Islamic Religious Research</strong>, <strong>Social and Humanities Research</strong>, and <strong>Education</strong>. Thus, the editorial board accepts the articles within the scope of research results, not conceptual theories.</p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-bottom: -10px;">We invite you to submit your paper to <strong>Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian</strong>. Papers submission deadlines:</p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-bottom: -10px;"><strong>Submission deadline (June): April 30.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-bottom: -10px;"><strong>Submission deadline (December): October 31.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-bottom: -10px;">&nbsp;</p> Integrasi Budaya Lokal dalam Praktik Keagamaan Perspektif Hukum Islam: Studi Kesenian Dambus dalam Penggalangan Dana Pembangunan Masjid di Pangkalpinang 2023-11-24T16:25:01+07:00 Reno Ismanto Muhammad Amin <p><em>Local tradition in its various forms was practiced by the people of the archipelago, before the arrival of Islam. In its development there was an assimilation between local traditions and religious practices of the Muslim community in Indonesia. This study intends to reveal how the process of assimilation of local wisdom into the religious practices of Muslim communities in Indonesia, especially in Bangka Belitung. This study uses qualitative research methods with observation instruments and interviews with several informants, namely religious and community leaders. This study finds that local wisdom that is incorporated into religious practice, such as the Dambus tradition, is driven by the motivation to maintain the traditions or heritage of predecessors. On the other hand, this effort intends to show that religious values can still be practiced without having to lose identity and culture. And Based on Islamic law, this form of religious practices is not contrary with the rules dan principles of Islam.</em></p> 2023-11-24T08:46:06+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Framing Pemberitaan Covid 19 Pasca Idul Fitri 2021 dalam Mengkontruksi Realitas di Media Online dan 2023-11-24T10:09:23+07:00 Sekar Putri Rafles Abdi Kusuma Amrullah Amrullah <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konstruksi realitas sosial dari media massa online nasional dengan media massa online lokal membingkai pemberitaan terkait krisis covid 19 pasca idul fitri 2021 serta menganalisis mengapa pemberitaan covid 19 pasca idul fitri 2021di media online semakin masif diberitakan hingga terkesan media sedang melakukan framing. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon masyarakat yang diwakili oleh tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat dan akademisi. Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis framing dengan menggunakan teori zhongdang Pan dan Kosicki dalam menganalisis berita dan mengenai respon masyarakat terkait pemberitaan, peneliti menganalisis terori kognitif komunikasi massa dan teori afektif komunikasi massa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media online dan media sama-sama membingkai lonjakan kasus covid 19 yang disebabkan oleh idul fitri 2021, hasil juga menunjukkan dua berita covid 19 pasca idul fitri 2021 pada media online tidak menggunakan kaidah penulisan jurnalistik seperti menerapkan 5W+1H yakni terdapat pada unsur ‘why’ sehingga media cenderung berpihak kepada isu. Respon masyarakat juga berbeda, dari tokoh agama mengungkap ketidaksetujuannya terhadap pemberitaan tersebut, sedangkan dari tokoh masyarakat yang diwakili aparatur desa mengungkapkan bahwa lonjakan kasus covid 19 salah satunya adalah disebabkan oleh idul fitri 2021 dan juga ungkapan berbeda diungkapkan oleh tokoh akademisi yakni benar adanya salah satu lonjakan kasus covid 19 disebabkan oleh idul fitri namun ia tidak setuju jika idul fitri 2021 satu-satunya yang dianggap penyumbang kasus kenaikan covid 19.</p> 2023-11-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Membangun Moderasi Beragama di Desa Air Anyir 2023-11-24T10:09:23+07:00 Noblana Adib Dody Irawan <p><em>Religious moderation is rejecting extremism and liberalism in religion is the key to balance, for the sake of maintaining civilization and creating peace. Air Anyir Village as the location for this community service is located in Merawang District, Bangka Regency, where there is a suspected terrorist who was arrested by Densus 88. Action research as an alternative method of service in community empowerment studies and actions. This action research is based on the assumption that research should be linked to a change agenda in society. The mentoring approach used in this community service is PAR (Participatory Action Research) to change the people's way of thinking, which at first might think exclusively and then have moderate thoughts in religion and nation or at least strengthen the religious moderates they already have. This community service activity is carried out by making classes in the mosque and the theme of religious moderation in Air Anyir village as the material. The results and changes obtained in the fostered subjects are quite good, namely the awareness of moderation in the nation and state. Religious moderates in society can be well developed, and the moderates they have believed in since the beginning are getting stronger.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Moderation, Religious, Air Anyir</em></p> 2023-11-24T09:11:14+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepuasan Peserta Pelatihan Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Pengawas (PKP) Angkatan I Tahun 2023 Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 2024-01-03T22:08:51+07:00 Gunawan Gunawan <p>Penelitian ini &nbsp;bertujuan untuk mengetahui &nbsp;kepuasan peserta pelatihan &nbsp;&nbsp;terhadap pelaksanaan pelatihan kepemimpinan pengawas angkatan I tahun 2023 &nbsp;Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Adapun&nbsp; pendekatan penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kuantitatif&nbsp; dengan metode survei untuk mengetahui&nbsp; dimensi-dimensi &nbsp;kepuasan peserta pelatihan. Sedangkan instrumen&nbsp; untuk pengumpulan data yang diperlukan dengan &nbsp;menggunakan&nbsp; media&nbsp; kuesioner (angket) yang diberikan kepada alumni&nbsp; pelatihan kepemimpinan pengawas I&nbsp; tahun 2023 provinsi &nbsp;Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.&nbsp; Instrumen penelitian tentang kepuasan peserta pelatihan ini&nbsp; dinilai kedalam 5 dimensi kualitas pelayanan &nbsp;yaitu dimensi &nbsp;tangible, dimensi&nbsp; reliability, dimensi responsiveness, dimensi assurance&nbsp;&nbsp; dan dimensi emphaty. &nbsp;Adapun&nbsp;&nbsp; hasil penelitian tentang&nbsp; kepuasan peserta pelatihan terhadap&nbsp; pelaksanaan&nbsp; pelatihan kepemimpinan pengawas &nbsp;&nbsp;Angkatan I Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung tahun 2023, dimensi tangible, dimensi reliability, dimensi responsiveness&nbsp; dan dimensi&nbsp; emphaty semuanya menunjukkan/memperlihatkan nilai/skor&nbsp; &nbsp;memuaskan. Sedangkan dimensi&nbsp; assurance&nbsp; menunjukkan/memperlihatkan &nbsp;nilai/skor&nbsp; sangat memuaskan. Adapun &nbsp;dimensi &nbsp;memuaskan &nbsp;tersebut adalah dimensi tangible&nbsp; dengan nilai skor&nbsp; 4,06, dimensi reliability dengan nilai/skor 4,11, dimensi&nbsp; responsiveness dengan nilai/skor 4,24, &nbsp;dan dimensi&nbsp; emphaty dengan nilai/ skor 4,29, sedangkan dimensi sangat memuaskan yaitu dimensi assurance dengan nilai/skor 4,31. Secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan pelatihan kepemimpinan pengawas angkatan I&nbsp; tahun 2023 Provinsi &nbsp;Kepulauan Bangka Belitung memuaskan &nbsp;peserta pelatihan dengan skor/nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,20.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengembangan Media Papan Diagram Pada Materi Penyajian Data Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD 2024-01-06T23:40:04+07:00 Asria Adita Misdalina Misdalina David Budi Irawan <p><em>This research is that the use of unvaried learning media makes the learning process boring, less interesting and less active for students. So, with this problem the authorities developed a media diagram board for learning mathematics on the data presentation material of the fourth grade of primary school. The research and development of this aim to produce a media board diagram for learning the mathematical on the presentation of data of the IV grade of elementary school that is valid, practical and effective. This research and development use a 4D development model that consists of 4 stages: 1) Definition, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Disseminate. The media validity of the diagram board was assessed by the media, material and language experts, the result obtained from the experts is an average of 91.1% with highly valid criteria based on the pick-up data. For the practicality gained from student responses at the one-to-one stage the pupil obtains an average score of 85.3% with highly practical categories, small group responses obtaining an average rating of 90.2% with very valid categories and for the effectiveness obtained from the test results the pupils obtain an average grade of 86.67% with very high categories.</em></p> 2024-01-06T23:37:22+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##